The Gardman Roosting Pouch offers a safe environment for smaller birds in trees.
The naturally woven material gives warmth and shelter especially during winter.
Place the Roosting Pouch away from any high winds and rain and keep out of direct sunlight. Keep away from bird feeders as feeding birds can disturb nesting birds. Position the Roosting Pouch around 1.2m to 2m off the ground to prevent the risk of predators and in a quiet place.
Roosting Pouchs can be cleaned out between 1st August and 31st January but be aware that some birds may still be breeding! Removing old nests can reduce the number of nest parasites, including fleas. Always ensure wild birds have plenty of fresh, clean water for drinking and bathing. Clean feeding and drinking areas regularly with a mild disinfectant.
Keys Points:
- Safe environment for smaller birds
- Natural materials
- Perfect to hang in trees